Tuesday 28 February 2017

Why Log Maintenance is Important for Fire Watch

Fire watch security has the critical job of trying to prevent fires, or at least to detect and suppress them as early as possible. This is not an easy task, and particularly in areas that are prone to fires and fire damage, be it open parks or chemical filled warehouses, fire watch security are required to keep fire watch logs that the fire marshal can review. These logs are critical, but not just to satisfy local regulations and fire officials, the fire logs themselves are a document that can reveal potential hazards or areas that might be more prone to fires.

In the event of a fire the fire watch logs are critical pieces of data, for fire detectives as well as insurance companies, who have to assess the causes before they can help fix the damages. The fire watch log shows that someone, not just someone but a trained fire watch guard, who is documented, has routinely patrolled the area and has personally reviewed all potential danger spots.

Fire watch guards must patrol areas routinely and then document these patrols and what they saw or noticed with each patrol. These logs must be maintained, stored and saved and kept up to date. There are sometimes clues in there that can be seen when the fire watch logs are reviewed, like a certain construction room or welding room gets too hot at the same time each day, for example, or combustible chemicals are unattended at the same time each night.

If the fire watch log is well maintained and up to date these issues can be addressed and in many cases the potential hazard can be thwarted. They are turned in every 24 hours, initialed by watchmen as to when they patrolled and by any report of any potential hazard that they may have found. This shows that a facility or area that is patrolled has been as protected as possible, and all issues addressed.

Fire Watch Guards is a security firm that specializes in expert fire watch and fire prevention services. Their fire watch guards understand the importance of organized logs and routine patrols. They are well trained and have access to a 24 hour emergency system that is always operational, in case a crisis should occur. Fast Guard Services provides fire watch security services of all types, all across the nation.

Whether you are located in California, where wildfires are far too routine, Oklahoma in the oil fields, in warehouses and storage facilities in New York, or have property in Florida, Fire Watch Guards is ready to provide the fire watch protection you need .They can provide temporary fire watch guards or permanent protection, whatever your needs, they have a fire security solution that will help protect you.

The post Why Log Maintenance is Important for Fire Watch appeared first on Fire Watch Services.

source http://www.firewatchguards.com/log-maintenance-important-fire-watch/

Tips On How To Maintain Your Fire Alarm 2017

Having smoke alarms are great, they are there to protect you and your property from fire damage, to alert people to potential danger from fire and smoke. The problem is, fire alarms are only helpful if they properly function. For fire alarms to be most effective, they must be properly maintained.

Of course it’s easy to forget them, as they are quiet until you most need them, unless they go off falsely, but you need to KNOW that the smoke alarms are properly functioning so they are there when you need them most. This means that routine maintenance is just as important as having smoke alarms in the first place.

Here are a few simple steps that will help you maintain your fire alarm in proper working order:


  1. Test the alarm: There is only one way to know for sure if an alarm works and that is to test it regularly. Once a month is the general rule of thumb, it only takes a few minutes and you’ll know for sure that the alarm itself works and therefore can sound when it is most needed. Even fire departments routinely test their alarms; if you live near a fire department you will hear them regularly. They know the importance of testing.


  1. Clean the alarm and your suppression system: Like any other piece of equipment that you want in proper functioning order, alarms have to be cleaned to work properly and to extend the life of the device. This alarm can save lives, so can your sprinklers, so regular cleanings, which only take a matter of minutes, should be completed like clockwork. Test once a month when you clean.


  1. Replace batteries and make sure the power supply works: Once a year you should replace the batteries or backup power device at a minimum. Pick a holiday or your anniversary, a day that you won’t forget. While you will be testing monthly, replace the batteries or emergency power supply annually regardless of how the device tested. Batteries may last several years as well as generators, but you never want to gamble on the alarm’s power supply.


  1. Replace the alarms and sprinklers themselves: Every ten years at a minimum, like clockwork, get new alarms and make sure that your entire fire detection and suppression system is up to date. Even the best of equipment gets old, and that goes for fire alarms as well, but as fire alarms save lives, you can’t wait for them to wear down completely. Be safe and simply replace them routinely.


Troubleshoot any issue: If you are getting too many false alarms or it seems like the alarm is too sensitive, be proactive in regards to tracing down the problem. The fact is, it may not be a problem with the alarm, and you may have a potential fire hazard lurking, one that needs prompt attention. For more information or to hire a fire watch guard visit http://firewatchguards.com.

The post Tips On How To Maintain Your Fire Alarm 2017 appeared first on Fire Watch Services.

source http://www.firewatchguards.com/tips-maintain-fire-alarm-2017/

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Steps to Hiring a Fire Watch Guard in 2017

If you need fire watch guards, hiring a competent, affordable, effective fire watch security form is important. You can’t just snap your fingers and find the best fire watch service that will suit your needs. You need to do some homework, and you need to define what your needs are so that you know what you’re looking for. There are certain steps that you must take to find the best fire watch security firm for you.

Step 1: Define your needs – If you have 100 acres of woodland that you need to protect from wildfires. You won’t have the same needs or the same requirements of a fire guard security firm as the owner of a small warehouse would. You need to define what you need protected, how much area, what the value is, potential hazards and so forth so that you can accurately explain your needs to potential fire security firms.

Step 2: Define the parameters you require from a fire watch security firm – Now make a list of the things you want the fire security guard company you will ultimately hire to possess. What is their experience? What type of insurance should they carry? What type of surveillance equipment will they need? What type of emergency system do you want them to have in place? What kind of training do the fire watch guards have. Whatever questions you might have and whatever requirements you may need from a firm need to be listed so they can be checked off.

Step 3: Research fire watch firms – Now it’s time to find a few firms and do some homework. You will want to get a few competitive bids from a few fire watch security firms. You will want to research the reputation of the firm. You may want some background on the management of the company or past insurance claims. Dig in and find out all you can about potential security firms until you are satisfied with the right one.

Step 4: Speak to the fire watch security representative you will work with and the fire watch guards that will be protecting your property. You should have a dedicated fire watch security representative that deals with your account. Before you finalize your protection spend some time with them to make sure you have made the right choice. Once you come to terms, meet with the fire watch guards that will be protecting your property.

If you’re looking for a reputable, highly effective national fire watch guard service in 2017, contact Fast Guard Service at your earliest convenience. Fast Guard Service offers skilled, trained fire watch guards at a cost effective price. They will help you with every step of the process to make sure that you procure the fire watch protection that you need.

The post Steps to Hiring a Fire Watch Guard in 2017 appeared first on Fire Watch Services.

source http://www.firewatchguards.com/steps-hiring-fire-watch-guard-2017/

Thursday 9 February 2017

5 Reasons Why Fire Watch Security is So Important

Whether you are a property owner or business manager, or are responsible for anything that can be damaged or destroyed by fire, fire protection is important. Ignore fire security at your own risk; it only takes one quick fire to destroy everything you own. Fires are not prejudiced, they destroy anything in their way and they don’t change their path because you own a property and you’re a great person. Fires destroy. Fires kill. But fires can also be prevented or quickly put out, if skilled, experienced fire security is on hand to deal with the issue.

Here are 5 very important reasons why fire security is so important, and why you might want to contact a trusted fire security firm as soon as possible.  

1.     Loss of Life: Nothing is more precious than life, be it your family, friends, employees, or even livestock or pets. Whether you have a business or a store or a farm or even a large ranch, you’d go to any lengths to protect the lives of all of those that you are responsible for, wouldn’t you? Skilled, experienced fire watch guards and fire security guards can save lives from being needlessly wasted by an out of control fire.

2.     Property Damage: No one wants to see their property destroyed. You’ve worked hard to build up your business. You have spent years getting your property just the way you wanted. It is the biggest investment you will likely ever make. Yes you have insurance, but that will only pay pennies on the dollar, and it won’t put your store or property back just the way it was. Fire security can identify potential fire hazards before it is too late, saving your property from irreparable fire damage.

3.     Loss of Livestock: Whether you own a pet store, a farm, or even a ranch, your animals are your livelihood, and they are also creatures that you have raised and taken care of. You didn’t raise and feed them to lose them to a raging wild fire that could have been identified or addressed before your livestock was destroyed. A talented fire security farm can protect your livestock so it isn’t killed by a preventable or controllable fire that quickly got out of hand.

4.     Fire Prevention: Fires can’t destroy life, property or anything else if it is prevented before it starts. Skilled fire watch guards know what to look for. They can quickly identify signs and potential hazards so they can be dealt with before raging flames erupt, blindly destroying anything and everything in its path.

5.     Fire Detection: If you can’t prevent a fire from happening, the next best thing is to detect the fire as early as possible, so emergency response teams can begin to fight the fire to get it under control. Fires, even large ones, can be dealt with by skilled firefighting experts, but the earlier they catch it, the easier it is to get under control, and the less likely it is that anyone is hurt or any property is damaged.

If you have a need for a qualified, effective fire security firm, Fire Watch Guards are ready to help. They will protect your property all the time, with emergency response teams constantly on standby. Fire Watch Guards use state of the art video surveillance techniques, on site experienced fire guards, and maintain a vigilant emergency response system for all of their clients. If you are located anywhere in the nation, especially in California or Florida, areas highly susceptible to fire damage, contact Fire Watch Guards or visit http://www.firewatchguards.com/ today.

The post 5 Reasons Why Fire Watch Security is So Important appeared first on Fire Watch Services.

source http://www.firewatchguards.com/5-reasons-fire-watc-security-is-important/

What Can Happen With and Without Fire Watch Security

While the wilderness and forests are absolutely breathtaking in most cases, in certain areas at certain times of year they can become a fire hazard, simply due to the weather. During summer months when it does not rain, everything gets dry. A simple spark can cause a fire that blazes hundreds or even thousands of square miles in no time flat, endangering lives, property and pets. Sometimes entire communities are forced to evacuate, and even if no one is hurt or nothing is burned there is smoke damage, businesses are forced to shut down and work hours are lost. A wildfire is a large scale nightmare.

They start simply, a campfire is put out but an ember smolders beneath the ashes, a cigarette butt is carelessly tossed from a car, or lightning strikes a dead tree or brush area and BOOM, a fire breaks out. In minutes it is swirling and raging, crawling in many directions. In a few more minutes it encompasses acres and is out of control. Within an hour or two it is a mass wild fire that firefighters cannot reign in. Soon enough it is destroying farms and property, woodlands, and threatening suburban communities with mass destruction.

Wild fires aren’t the only type of fire that spreads danger and destruction. Deep in the city a careless fire can emerge from someone going to sleep while smoking, and before too long a city block of rowhomes is destroyed, warehouses are engulfed in flames, and factories and shops are forever damaged, along with all the inventory inside them. What about pyromaniacs? Electrical fires?? Acts of God???

The fact is, a fire can break out most anywhere, at most any times. If you have property to protect, especially property in areas prone to wild fires like large parts of California and Florida or New York, you would be best served and your property would be safe and secure if you found an excellent fire security firm to guard and protect your property.

Fire Watch Guards is one of the best fire security firms in the nation. If you have a business or property that needs protection from the threat of fire damage, Fire Watch Guards  can protect your property, your employees or your livestock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Fire Watch Guards are comprised of a staff of skilled, experienced fire security guards that know the signs of potential hazards who can identify and help contain a fire before it gets out of control. They can also help prevent fires, as their vigilant fire watch services have done for many customers over the years.

Don’t take a chance with your property, business, inventory or your people, hire skilled, trained fire watch experts like Fire Watch Services and put your worries to rest. Their constant vigilance and emergency response system are unparalleled. With many large customers nationwide, they know how to protect and secure large facilities, and keep lives and property safe from the threat of fire.

The post What Can Happen With and Without Fire Watch Security appeared first on Fire Watch Services.

source http://www.firewatchguards.com/can-happen-without-fire-security/