Wednesday 21 June 2017

How To Hire For Fire Watch Security

Many companies, from pet stores to factories to construction contractors to ranchers require the services of skilled fire watch guards and fire protection services. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when choosing a fire watch service, as nothing is more important than the safety of your people, animals or property:


  • Reputation: Companies earn reputations for reasons. When hiring a company to protect your property and the lives of those you care for and are responsible for, it is extremely important to do some homework on that company before you hire them. Make sure the company has a proven track record and that they have some good, sizable clients as well. You don’t want to be a test dummy for a firm that will be protecting your assets, your livelihood or your people or livestock.
  • Experienced Fire Watch Guards: Experienced guards understand the importance of routine fire watch patrols, maintaining proper fire watch logs, and they know the local regulations enforced by the fire marshal. These things can be extremely important when it comes to preventing or addressing a fire with as rapid a response as possible in the event of a fire emergency.
  • Trained Fire Watch Guards: Trained fire watch guards know what to look for when it comes to identifying potential hazards BEFORE a fire breaks out and fire and smoke damage occur, saving property and even human or animal life in the process. Trained fire watch guards know how to look for potential electrical hazards, chemical hazards, storage issues, broken alarms and sprinklers, and even identify fire suppression and detection devices that require maintenance or service.
  • Quality Management and Fire Watch Guards: This is one of the most important things to check on when hiring a fire watch service. Unfortunately many states don’t require licensing for someone to become a fire watch guard. Therefore many cheaper firms hire temp labor and even former criminals to fill positions as fire watch guards. Make sure when you hire a fire watch service that the company has a management team with fire watch experience, and the fire watch guards, are just that, guards that specialize in detecting, preventing and addressing fire hazards.
  • Emergency System: It is important that the fire watch team that your hire have an emergency response system in place. They must be able to address a crisis rapidly when it emerges so the damage can be limited as much as possible, and so that injuries and lives can be spared or addressed when needed.


Fire Watch Guards is one of the most respected security companies in the nation. FWG specializes in fire protection, featuring skilled, experienced fire watch guards that know their business. Fire Watch Guards has a hard earned reputation, and can provide fire protection 24/7 all across the nation, when and where it is needed.

The post How To Hire For Fire Watch Security appeared first on Fire Watch Services.
