Friday 19 May 2017

What is Fire Watch?

Unfortunately fires are sometimes unavoidable. Fire damage and smoke damage can destroy businesses, homes, parks, farms, even entire sections of cities. Fires can also get out of control extremely quick. Fire watch is a service performed by trained fire watch guards that helps identify potential areas that are fire dangers, that identifies and addresses fires, and that make sure a business or private property are as protected and ready for a fire catastrophe as they can possible be.

Fire watch guards perform a number of routine duties that help prevent fires whenever and wherever possible, and that address the breakout of a fire as quickly as possible in the unfortunate event that a fire breaks out. The quicker that a fire is addressed by emergency response, the quicker a fire can be extinguished. The quicker that a fire watch guard can identify a fire breaking out, the less damage there will be from fire and smoke. Fire and smoke damage, and even water damage and damage from putting out a fire, can be quite devastating and costly, that is why fire watch services are so important in any place or area that a fire may break out.

Unfortunately fires don’t break out where we want them, they don’t just occur in the wilderness or in a vacuum or a void. Tragically fires can break out anywhere, and aside from costly damage and all the money that fires, especially wildfires can cost, there is the potential for injury and the loss of human and animal life as well. Here are a few different places that fire watch services are often contacted to protect.


  1. Apartment Buildings and Condos
  2. Warehouses and Factories
  3. Pet Stores, Veterinarians and Animal Shelters
  4. Farms and Ranches
  5. Schools, Hospitals and Assisted Living facilities
  6. Parks, Golf Courses and Camp Grounds
  7. Malls and Retail Centers
  8. Amusement Parks and Other Family Recreation Centers
  9. Construction Sites
  10. Business Centers & Private Estates

Frankly there is no place on earth that is immune to the potential of a fire. Ships at sea can even suffer from fires. That is why fire watch services are so important. Swift, effective response can mean the difference between a threat and millions of dollars in damages, between an inconvenience and death.

If you have a need for experienced, skilled fire watch guards and a fire watch service that you can trust, contact Fire Watch Guards anywhere in the United States. Fire Watch Guards specializes in fire watch services that comply with all local fire regulations, Fire Marshalls and insurance needs. FWG will staff your facility 24/7 with fire watch guards that are fully trained, armed with modern surveillance technology, and with access to an around the clock emergency response system.

The post What is Fire Watch? appeared first on Fire Watch Services.


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