Thursday 13 July 2017

The Fire Marshal says you need Fire Watch, What Next?

If you run a business or own or manage commercial or retail property, or property in areas that affect other properties where people conduct business, live, or go about their daily lives then you likely must comply with the rules and regulations that are supervised and enforced by the local fire marshal. Even if you are not directly subject to the jurisdiction or direct supervision of the fire marshal, it is best for many safety reasons to comply with all of the rules and regulations that the fire marshal follows. After all, these rules are in place to help protect people and property from fire and smoke damage, to help prevent fires in general and to help quickly put them out or to address a fire tragedy should it strike.


If you are under the direct supervision of a fire marshal, he may well put you on notice for a number of reasons and he may tell you that you need to hire a fire watch team or service to monitor and help protect your property. These reasons can include faulty sprinklers or alarm systems, or out of date fire alarms, among many other potential problems. Whatever the issue, to comply with the fire marshal you will need a fire watch team in place, so here are some things to look for when finding a competent, skilled fire watch firm to staff your property.


  1. Make sure your team knows the rules and regulations that the fire marshal regulates. It does no good to hire a temp worker to stand around and watch cobwebs grow. You will need proactive fire watch guards that understand what the local codes are that must be followed, what issues they are supposed to look for and what they have to do so that you comply with the needs of the fire marshal.
  2. Make sure that whatever firm you hire understands how to maintain accurate fire logs. Accurate fire logs will be both important to the fire marshal and important to your insurance company, especially if there happens to be a fire. Fire logs keep track of routine patrols and what is found on these controls, and they can help you prevent the likelihood of a fire even occurring.
  3. Make sure that the fire guard firm that you hire specializes in fire watch security. It does no good for a bodyguard to look for potential electrical hazards or chemical dangers, because they won’t have a clue what constitutes a potential fire hazard. You want trained, experienced guards who know what they are doing, what to look for to help prevent fires, and what to do if a fire breaks out to quickly address it and get an emergency response team on the scene before the fire gets out of hand.


If you need a fire watch service, because a fire marshal requires you to hire one or simply because you want to protect your property and the people or animals that utilize it, contact Fire Watch Guards today. They are one of the biggest, best and most respected fire watch security firms in the entire Continental United States.

The post The Fire Marshal says you need Fire Watch, What Next? appeared first on Fire Watch Services.


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